
Some physicians may be unfamiliar with prescribing cannabinoids and medical cannabis due to (and not limited to) minimal experience with medical cannabis, unfamiliarity with dosing and ingestion methods, and side effect profiles. Canabo Medical Clinic physicians for some time have been researching and developing best practices for cannabinoids and medical cannabis. Our proprietary training programs ensure physicians are specialty trained in cannabinoid treatment assessments.

Canabo Medical Clinic physicians and cannabinoid educators are your partners in providing effective patient care, maintaining an open dialogue with referring physicians. Following patient appointments, we provide Consultation Letters, containing information on the prescription, its recommended dosage, and duration. Canabo Medical Clinic works collaboratively to ensure your patient receives the best comprehensive care possible.

Our physicians are always available to discuss any questions or concerns regarding referrals and patient care. We invite you to attend one of our educational seminars or events, which help educate and inform fellow physicians about this emerging field.

How to refer a patient to Canabo Medical Clinic?

If your patient may benefit from prescription cannabinoids or medical cannabis, please download and complete the Patient Referral Form
below. Completed forms can be faxed to 1-844-320-9652.


Additional Information:
Health Canada – Information for Health Care Professionals – Cannabis (marijuana) and the cannabinoids
The Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids

Referring Patients

Our knowledgeable healthcare team includes licensed physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and patient educators that will assist your patients throughout their medical cannabis journey.

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Join Our Network

Canabo Medical Clinic is always looking for more Healthcare Practitioners to join our team.

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Referral Forms

If you are a Health Care Practitioner and would like to refer your patient to the Canabo Medical Clinic, please complete the referral form at the link below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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